We have been working to educate and inspire players and coaches about how to conduct a fun and effective individual football training since 1998.
That's when we started developing PAL Original®, which is used today by players of all levels in many of our biggest football countries around the world. The training equipment PAL and PAL Original® are a complement to any player training plan - regardless of position.
Over the years, we have developed several innovative products to simplify and improve the opportunity for individual football training.
Here we tell you how you can PAL can help you in your football development.
Buy a PAL - either for the team or for yourself.
Give yourself the opportunity to be as good as you can be. If you have questions about PAL as a training tool, you can get in touch and we will tell you more.
In order for you to easily get started with training together with your PAL, we have developed a training bank with exercises. Exercises at different levels to help you take the next step in development!
Here is the story of PAL. About how it all started and about the love of football. Read about what created a groundbreaking product that helped players all the way to the world elite. Equal parts genuine football knowledge as exciting anecdotes.
"With the help of PAL, I have taken my skills to a whole new level.
I have also become more confident in my touch and precision, which has made me perform better than ever on the pitch".
Olivia Schough is one of several successful football players who has trained with PAL in her career. How can PAL develop you and your team?
Get in touch and we will help you become as good as you can!
- Produkter och utbildning för spelar- & ledarutveckling i fotboll med fokus på individuell utveckling! -
DD Company AB| Stegared 5 | 432 77 Tvååker | Tfn: + 46 (0) 70 858 03 79 | E-mail: dan@paloriginal.com
All rights reserved (c) 2022 - DD Company AB